Serving the Greater Williamsport Area since 1999

About Us

Vance Concrete has been providing the citizens of the Greater Williamsport Area with excellent quality and service since 1999.We offer a range of concrete work including sidewalks, patios, driveways, basement floors, and garage floors.Contact us today with any questions or to receive a FREE estimate!

Concrete Work

Vance Concrete will pour and finish the following types of projects:- Sidewalks
- Driveways
- Patios
- Basement Floors
- Garage Floors
- Steps


Q: What can I use to remove ice in the winter?A: Unfortunately, there’s no deicer on the market that is safe for concrete; It’s not the product that damages the concrete, it’s the water that it creates that causes spalling. We recommend putting limestone dust over ice for traction. If you absolutely must use a deicer, remove the ice as soon as possible and sweep the area. NOTE: Using an ice chopper may cause damage to the surface of your concrete.Q: Can you guarantee that my concrete will not crack?A: No. All concrete cracks, but we attempt to control the cracks in a straight line by using a tool or by saw-cutting.Q: Do you do Stampcrete™?A: No.Q: Do you do asphalt?A: No.Q: Do you do curbs?A: Not unless it involves other work at the property.Q: Can you add color to the concrete?A: Yes we can – a booklet of colors can be provided upon consultation.

Contact Us

Contact us with any questions or concerns and for a FREE estimate!

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We will review your message and reach out to you via telephone to answer your questions and/or set up an appointment for your estimate.